The year begins with a new and exceptional single titled “Dishonest” by the renowned British-Ghanaian record producer and composer JAE5.
He enlisted the help of South African musician Tyler ICU, Zimbabwean-born singer-songwriter Sha Sha, and renowned Nigerian music star Lojay to spice things up.
Additionally, “Loveless,” a 4-song EP he’s co-writing with Lojay, is about to be released, and this new song is taken from it.
They create an enthralling musical experience that holds listeners’ attention the whole time by expertly combining rhythms, melodies, and addictive beats.
New music eventually becomes the kind that lifts your spirits instead of lowering them, and it also becomes a timeless classic with an allure that deserves a spot on your playlist.
Finally, take a listen and share your comment below!
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